Districts we serve
Ross County
Adena Local Schools
Huntington Local Schools
Southeastern Local Schools
Union-Scioto Local Schools
Zane Trace Local Schools
Ross County Christian Academy
Bishop Flaget School
Pioneer Center
Pickaway-Ross Career and Technology Center
Pike County
Eastern Local Schools
Scioto Valley Local Schools
Waverly City Schools
Western Local Schools
Pike Christian Academy
Pike Career and Technology Center
Interested in a Position Within the RPESD or Subbing in Ross or Pike Counties?
Our programs and services
Attendance Program
Alternative Center
Bus Driver Certification
Curriculum Development
Fiscal Services
Instructional Supervision
Licensure Services
National WebCheck Provider
OT/PT Therapy
Paraprofessional Training Assessment and Certification
Preschool Handicapped Units
Professional Development
Psychological Services
Resident Educator Program
School Improvement/Data Analysis
SST Region 15 Fiscal Agent
Speech/Language Therapy
Special Education Services
Substitute Teacher Employment
Teacher Summer Academy
Technology Development/Supervision
Talented and Gifted Services
Virtual Learning
Supporting schools and investing in the future
A position at Ross Pike ESD means that your job matters. We're here to serve school districts within our region so that students and staff can have the best experiences possible.
We value leadership, partnership and service. Everything we do is for the good of the schools. We know that in order for our community to succeed, we must focus on collaborating and putting egos aside for the greater good of our partners.